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Bardax (Zygo Tyll)

Posted: Thu May 03, 2018 2:00 pm
by Azzranache
Name: Bardax (Real Name – Zygo Tyll)
Gender: Male
Race: Clawdite (but appears as Human)


  • Race XP 95XP
  • Race Ability: +1 rank in Resilience; ‘Changeling’
  • Brawn: 2 Agility: 2 Intellect: 2 Cunning: 3 Willpower: 1 Presence: 2
State Background Type
Bardax entered the Academy 14 years ago, shortly after the programme was initiated. Not much is known about Bardax’s days before the Academy, not even by Bardax. The reason for this is Bardax is not who he says he is. The real Bardax met with an accident nearly 14 years ago when he tussled with a Clawdite named Zygo Tyll on a recon mission. Since then, this Clawdite has taken the form and identity of Bardax and continued the life of an Empire Elite Student of the Dark Academy. Zygo fell in love with this almighty secret task force the moment he discovered it upon returning as Bardax looking for items and secrets to sell. Naturally, Vidarr Hoss saw through Zygo’s ploy almost instantly. However, he saw potential in not only his nature of deception but his minor demonstrations of mind trickery. Hoss felt Zygo would be a very useful asset for the Empire and encouraged Zygo to continue with the facade of Bardax but to not tell anyone of this secret.

Ambition; Discovery
Zygo has lived his life being anyone but himself. He has forgotten who he truly is and his soul now sits within a library of stolen identities within his living shell. He believes the Empire is his gateway to discovery and this training has found a new identity. Only by following this path will he be able to unlock this power that emerges from within. And maybe, one day... he will unlock his true self.

Moral Strength:
Once an identity is taken it is amazing what secrets can be discovered. Zygo is an ever-changing key to many locks in the universe which can be valuable in the right hands. To learn more within the Empire, he must prove himself and his worth. And the promise of unlocking his inner power in exchange for the right information is something Zygo cannot refuse.

Moral Weakness:
After living as someone else for so long it is easy to forget who you are. The gift of camouflage can be a great asset however he finds it hard to know when to stop. The knowledge that can be acquired from these other lives can lead to many great things; rare items, dark secrets and treasures untold which can form part of the struggle of knowing where to draw the line. It is this obsession that has led his life to the Empire's services and his new life as Bardax.

Morality: Value 50

Career: Sentinel
Computers, Deception, Knowledge (Core Worlds), Perception, Skulduggery, Stealth

+1 Deception | +1 Perception | +1 Skulduggery

Specialisation: Shadow
Knowledge (Underworld), Skulduggery, Stealth, Streetwise

+1 Skulduggery | +1 Streetwise

Experience Spend
Base (95)
Morality (10)
Starting Bonus (65)

Char Gen
Cunning 4 (-40)
Willpower 2 (-20)
+1 Deception (-10)
+1 Perception (-10)
+1 Vigilance (-10)
+1 Lightsaber (-10)
Indistinguishable Rank 1 (-5)

Starting Bonus
Influence - Basic (-10)
Influence - Range (-5)
Influence - Control (-10)
Influence - Control (-15)
Indistinguishable Rank 2 (-10)
Codebreaker Rank 1 (-5)
Grit Rank 1 (-10)

Total XP: 170 | Spent: 170 | Current XP: 0

Current Stats:
Brawn: 2 | Agility: 2 | Intellect: 2 | Cunning: 4 | Willpower: 2 | Presence: 2

WT: 9 (Base) + 2 (Br) = (11) | ST: 9 (Base) + 1 (Wil) + 1 (Grit) = (11)
Deception (Cun)2
Perception (Cun)2
Skulduggery (Cun)2
Lightsaber (Br)1
Streetwise (Cun)1
Vigilance (Wil)1
Resilience (Br)1

As an action, a Clawdite may suffer 3 strain and make an Average Resilience check. If the Clawdite succeeds, he changes his appearance to match that of a silhouette 1 character whom he has observed before. An observing character must make an opposed Perception vs Deception check to detect that something is amiss with the impersonated character’s likeness, mannerisms, or behaviour. As always, the GM can add Boost or Setback for situational effects that might affect the check, such as Boost if the Clawdite’s garb does not match expectations or Setback if the Clawdite has studied the impersonated individual’s mannerisms closely.

Codebreaker: Rank 1
The character removes Setback per rank of Codebreaker from his attempts to break codes or decrypt communications. In addition, the character decreases the difficulty of his Computers and Intellect checks made to break codes or decrypt communications by one (this does not increase with additional ranks of Codebreaker).

Grit: Rank 1
Each rank of Grit increases a character’s strain threshold by 1.

Indistinguishable: Rank 2
The character’s appearance is so common that people have a hard time identifying distinguishing traits. Opposing characters upgrade the difficulty of any checks made to identify him once per rank of Indistinguishable.

Force Powers:
Special Rule(Dark Force Point or Light Force Point Use) When guiding and shaping thoughts, only Dark Force Point may be used to generate negative emotions such as rage, fear, and hatred. Only Light Force Point may be used to generate positive emotions such as peace, tranquillity, and friendliness. Other emotions such as confusion can be created from either Light Force Point or Dark Force Point.
Base: The character may attempt to guide, shape, and even twist the thoughts and feelings of others. The character may spend Force Point to stress the mind of one living target he is engaged with, inflicting I strain. The user may activate this multiple times, increasing the strain inflicted by one each time.
  • Range (Rank 1): Spend Force Point to increase power's range by a number of range bands equal to Range upgrades purchased.
  • Control: The Force user may make an opposed Discipline vs. Discipline check combined with an Influence power check. If the user spends Force Point and succeeds on the check, he can force the target to adopt an emotional state or believe something untrue, lasting for 1 round or 5 minutes.
  • Control: When making a Coercion, Charm, Deception, Leadership or Negotiation check, the Force user may roll an Influence power check as part of his dice pool. He may spend Force Point to gain Success or Advantage (user’s choice) on the check.

Credits: 112

Training Lightsaber | Lightsaber | Damage (6) | Cit (-) | Range (Engaged) | Encumbrance (1) | Hard Points (5) | Price (400) | Rarity (6) |Special (Stun Damage)

Backpack | Price (50) | Encumbrance (+4) | Rarity (1)

Comlink (Handheld) | Price (25) | Encumbrance (0) | Rarity (0)
Breath Mask/Respirator | Price (25) | Encumbrance (1) | Rarity (1)
Climbing Gear | Price (50) | Encumbrance (1) | Rarity (2)
Binders x2 | Price (25)x2 | Encumbrance (2)x2 | Rarity (4)

Electrobinoculars | Price (250) | Encumbrance (1) | Rarity (1) [Electrobinoculars are, at their most basic, a pair of macrobinoculars with one or more integrated optical enhancement systems, such as long-range digital zoom, passive light amplification, thermal imaging, ultrasound imaging, and the like. They are commonly equipped with filters to adjust for exceedingly high levels of light, and many are equipped with recording and playback systems for the collection of data. Electrobinoculars allow the user to see normally in low light or extremely bright conditions. They also provide magnification of targets up to ten kilometers away. When using electrobinoculars, characters may also remove Setback imposed due to long range or poor light.]

Encumbrance Threshold: 7 (Base) + 4 (Backpack) = 11 | Current Encumbrance: 7



Character Rolls
Starting credits
Bardax; Dark Academy; Credits:
Numeric Roll: 1D100+=62