Character Sheet template

Character proposals for this game.
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Character Sheet template


Post by SanguineAngel » Mon Apr 30, 2018 6:19 am

Name: Name
Gender: Gender
Race: Race
  • Race XP e.g.110 XP
  • Race Ability 1 e.g. +1 rank in two non-career skills (Perception | Ranged (Light))
  • Brawn: 2 Agility: 2 Intellect: 2 Cunning: 2 Willpower: 2 Presence: 2

State Background Type
Enter Background Here

State Motivation Type(s)
Describe Motivation

Moral Strength:
State Strength Type(s)
Describe Motivation

Moral Weakness:
State Weakness Type(s)
Describe Motivation

Morality: Value

State Obligation Type(s)
Describe Motivation

Obligation: Value

(Total Value)

State Motivation Type(s)
Describe Duty

Current Duty: Value

Career: State Career
List Career Skills

+1 Chosen Skill | +1 Chosen Skill | +1 Chosen Skill | +1 Chosen Skill

Specialisation: Specialisation
List Specialisation Skills

+1 Chosen Skill | +1 Chosen Skill

Experience Spend
Base (Race XP)
e.g. Duty -5 for XP (+5)
e.g. Starting Bonus (+20)
e.g. Session Name (+25)

Char Gen
Skill (Rank) (-Cost)
e.g. Cunning 3 (-30)
+1 Ranked Talent (-Cost)
e.g. +1 Coercion (-5)
Unranked Talent (-Cost)

Date Spent
Skill (Rank) (-Cost)
+1 Ranked Talent (-Cost)
Unranked Talent (-Cost)

Total XP: 160 | Spent: 160 | Current XP: 0

Current Stats:
Brawn: 2 | Agility: 2 | Intellect: 2 | Cunning: 3 | Willpower: 2 | Presence: 2

WT: Species Base+Brawn after starting XP) | ST: Species Base+Willpower after starting XP
Skill(Derived Attribute)Ranke.g. Ranged (Light) (Ag)1
e.g. Coercion (Will)3e.g. Knowledge (Core Worlds) (Int)1
e.g. Deception (Cun)2

Talent Name: Rank #
The character removes [setback] per rank of Plausible Deniability from his Coercion and Deception checks.

e.g Convincing Demeanor: Rank 1
The character removes [setback] per rank of Convincing Demeanor from his Deception and Skulduggery checks.

Force Powers:
Power Name: Basic
  • Upgrade (Rank #): Description

Credits: credits

Weapon (Qualification if applicable e.g. Qty 2) | Skill | Damage (damage) | Cit (crit value) | Range (range) | Encumbrance (encumbrance) | Hard Points (hard points) | Price (price) | Rarity (rarity) |Quality (rank)
SH-9 Slugthrower Pistol | Ranged (Light) | Damage (4) | Cit (5) | Range (Short) | Encumbrance (1) | Hard Points (0) | Price (250) | Rarity (4) | Limited Ammo (5), Pierce (2)

Armour/Clothing | Defence (defence) | Soak (soak) | Price (price) | Encumbrance (encumbrance) | Hard Points (hard points) | Rarity (rarity)
Heavy Clothing | Defence (0) | Soak (1) | Price (50) | Encumbrance (1) | Hard Points (0) | Rarity (0)

Storage | Price (price) | Encumbrance (+encumbrance added) | Rarity (rarity)
Backpack | Price (50) | Encumbrance (+4) | Rarity (1)

Gear (Qualification if applicable) | Price (price) | Encumbrance (encumbrance) | Rarity (rarity) | [Description of mechanical effects]
Comlink (Handheld) | Price (25) | Encumbrance (0) | Rarity (0)
Thermal Cloak (qty 1) | Price (200) | Encumbrance (2) | Rarity (1) [Remove up to 2 setback from any checks made to handle extreme heat or cold.]

Encumbrance Threshold: (base encumbrance threshold+storage)=total encumbrance threshold | Current Encumbrance: current encumbrance


Character Rolls
Starting credits
paste roll here from dice roller

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