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Galvin Steiner

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2018 7:35 pm
by Spiritbw
Name: Galvin Steiner
Gender: Male
Race: Human

State Background Type
You could say Galvin was an orphan who saw a way off the streets by joining the military. That like many street urchins he joined in search of a better life, fame, or a chance to be someone important. That might have been true once upon a time, before Imperial indoctrination took hold.

You could say that Galvin was a incredibly competent cadet. Proving to be proficient in a wide array of skills if not exactly exceptional in any one. Adaptable to a level that got him earmarked for potential for Special Ops and assigned as an aide de camp to the overseer of Imperial facility 341 where he might learn more. That was before it came to light he had innate force talent which moved him from staff to trainee.

The switch was not exactly smooth for him. It took sometime for Galvin to reconcile what he had learned a cadet of Force users (a dangerous element) with the idea of the Emperor’s Hands, Force users working for the Empire. He ultimately accepted it as it was the Emperor himself in direct control of the Hands.

Even so, he prefers to rely on his other training and only uses the Force to enhance his existing abilities. Showy powers and those that actively affect other beings he tends to find vulgar. He has enough decorum though not to express his feelings on the matter to his fellow Hands.

State Motivation Type(s)
It might be a leftover from his time on the streets. It might be Imperial Propaganda. In either case Galvin wants the Empire to succeed to bring stability to the galaxy. He isn’t so naive to think there will be no dissent but that it should follow the proper forms and procedures for such things. Violent rebellion and those who subvert the workings of the Empire to their own ends are not to be tolerated.

Moral Strength:
State Strength Type(s)
Military training has left it’s mark on Galvin. He is always considering all the options he has in any situation.

Moral Weakness:
State Weakness Type(s)
Galvin’s way of thinking does not leave a lot of room for “special cases”. He’s not often swayed by emotional pleas when there is set precedent.

Morality: 50

Career: Sentinel
List Career Skills
Computers, Deception, Perception, Skulduggery, Stealth, Knowledge(Core Worlds)
Chosen: Computers, Perception, Skulduggery

Specialisation: Artisan
List Specialisation Skills
Astrogation, Computers, Knowledge(Education), Mechanics
Chosen: Computers, Mechanics

Specialisation: Imperial Academy Cadet (universal)
List Specialisation Skills
Knowledge(Warfare), Leadership, Piloting(Space), Ranged(Light)

Total XP: 190| Spent: 190 | Current XP: 5

Current Stats:
Brawn: 2 | Agility: 3 | Intellect: 3 | Cunning: 3 | Willpower: 2 | Presence: 2

Soak: 3 | WT: 12 | ST: 12
Perception(Cun)1Piloting - Planetary(Ag)1
Piloting - Space(Ag)1Skullduggery(Cun)1
Ranged - Light(Ag)1Knowledge - Underworld(Int)1

Vehicle Combat Training: Rank 1
Piloting(Planetary) and Gunnery become career skills.
Conditioned: Rank 1
Remove [setback] per rank of Conditioned from Athletics and Coordination checks. Also reduce the damage and strain from falling by 1 per rank of Conditioned.
Mental tools: Rank 1
Always count as having the right tools for the job when preforming Mechanics checks.
Learned Something (Lightsaber construction):
The PC receives a boost to their next Lightsaber related mechanics check. (one time use)

Force Powers:
Enhance: Basic
When making an Athletics check, the Force user may roll an Enhance power check as part of the pool. The user may spend force points to gain success or advantage (user's choice) on the check.
  • Control (Rank 1): Enhance can be used with Coordination.
  • Control (Rank 1): Enhance can be used with Resilience.
  • Control (Rank 1): Enhance can be used with Brawl.
Sense: Basic
The User Many spend force points to sense all living things within short range (including sentient and non-sentient beings).
The User Many spend force points to sense the current emotional state of one living engaged target.

Credits: 567 credits


Light blaster pistol | Ranged (Light) | Damage (5) | Cit (4) | Range (Medium) | Encumbrance (1) | Hard Points (2) | Price (300) | Rarity (4) | Stun setting
Standard Lightsaber | Lightsaber | Damage (6) | Cit (2) | Engaged | Encumbrance (1) | Hard Points (5) | Price (10,000(R)) | Rarity (10) | Breach 1, Sunder | Ilum Crystal (2 HP)

Heavy Clothing | Defence (0) | Soak (1) | Price (50) | Encumbrance (1) | Hard Points (0) | Rarity (0)

Utility belt | Price (25) | Encumbrance (+1) | Rarity (0)

Comlink (Handheld) | Price (25) | Encumbrance (0) | Rarity (0)
Breathing mask/Respirator | Price (25) | Encumbrance (1) | Rarity (1)
Climbing gear | Price (50) | Encumbrance (1) | Rarity (2)
Glow rod | Price (10) | Encumbrance (1) | Rarity (0)
Field Ration Packs (qty: 5) | Price (5) | Encumbrance (0) | Rarity (1)

Encumbrance Threshold: (7+1)=8 | Current Encumbrance: 5


Re: Galvin Steiner

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2019 9:21 pm
by Spiritbw
Add 500 credits.

Re: Galvin Steiner

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2019 5:31 pm
by Spiritbw
Add 5xp.