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Re: Harvest Festival: Final Preperations

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2018 5:07 pm
by swrider
The humans readily agree to share the night watch, but the suggestion of moving some of their cargo onto your wagon makes them visibly uncomfortable. "We appreciate your company, but would prefer to keep our cargo separate."

Shor-tay who up to this point has only been listening speaks up. "We are actually going to the same place. Our first stop will be the Temple of Commerce to see the Knights of the Golden Lady."

Re: Harvest Festival: Final Preperations

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2018 5:56 pm
by kanila
Meddaar held up his arms in resignation. "Please don't misinterpret my offer. I was merely offering to help share the load on the animals. The finally decision is of course yours. I don't even want anything in exchange. We just have a deadline that we must keep so I'm just hoping to mitigate any potential delays. Either way it's your choice."

Re: Harvest Festival: Final Preperations

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2018 11:14 pm
by DeepSpacer
swrider wrote:
Mon Nov 19, 2018 5:07 pm
The humans readily agree to share the night watch, but the suggestion of moving some of their cargo onto your wagon makes them visibly uncomfortable. "We appreciate your company, but would prefer to keep our cargo separate."

Shor-tay who up to this point has only been listening speaks up. "We are actually going to the same place. Our first stop will be the Temple of Commerce to see the Knights of the Golden Lady."
Gage gives Shor-tay a slightly disappointing look for a moment. Revealing our intentions to perfect strangers ....Ugh.... He should know better.
"I am called Gage. I am a new traveler to these lands. It is good to share the guard duties since we are strangers to each other. The lands are infested with bandits and creatures. Why, the foliage itself came to life to attack us on our last journey! We should look out for each other."

Re: Harvest Festival: Final Preperations

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2018 12:09 am
by swrider
Shor-tay catches Gage's look and returns one of confusion, unsure what he could have done to upset the warlock.

DC 10 Religion check to know what the Knights of the Golden Lady are.

Re: Harvest Festival: Final Preperations

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2018 3:57 am
by ThreeBFour
Oomaq follows Meddaar from the treeline, quietly placing arrows back in the quiver. Walking to the wagon he grabs his latest purchase from the market from where he stored it under the driver's bench. Finding a soft patch of grass off to one side he opens up the board and sits down cross legged next to it. "Anyone interested in a friendly game of dragon chess?"

Re: Harvest Festival: Final Preperations

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2018 3:20 pm
by swrider
One of the humans accepts the offer of a game, while the crew continue setting up camp. The humans divide into teams of two each set taking a shift throughout the night. One always sitting on their cart watching over its contents. The night passes quickly and Shor-tay informs you that you should make the city by mid day. Indeed the morning passes rapidly as you pack up the wagon and the trip into the city is uneventful. The human's wagon seems ready to fall apart at any moment, but manages to stay together. The city is much larger than Kalverjassen. A pair of large gates stand in front of you and the guards readily let you pass. Once through you see an even larger set of walls and are told the gates to that section lie on the sides. Any one who wishes to go further into the city must circumnavigate a quarter of the city before entering. The section you are inn is quite large with numerous stores, shops, and artisans hard at work. The variety of goods and services at the city is truly impressive. Shor-tay informs you that he must first go to the temple of the knights of the golden lady, and will from there go further into the city to meet with the Archmage then to the Lady Sol head of the Order of Sol.

I am stopping here in case anyone wanted to purchase something or had any role play they wanted to do at this point.

Re: Harvest Festival: Final Preperations

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2018 10:27 pm
by kanila
Meddaar sat on the back of the wagon as they entered the Capitol. He looked around, trading in all the sights of the new, to him, city. Taking out his flute he began to play a soft melody to pass the time.
Total: 13
Bonus: 1
Character: Meddaar
Campaign: Dark Patron of the Temple of Light
Description: Performance - Flute
Rurik tried to start a conversation with the miners. "Will you be heading back out soon? We may be able to travel together once more, if only for a short while."

Re: Harvest Festival: Final Preperations

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2018 10:35 pm
by swrider
The leader of the humans chuckles along with the other and nods at the one walking next to Meddaar. That individual speaks up."If negotiations with the knights go well, we are all headed to a life of luxury. We will head home to our families, but will probably enjoy a life of comfort here first!" The other humans nod in agreement large smiles on their faces.

Re: Harvest Festival: Final Preperations

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2018 10:40 pm
by kanila
Rurik nods. "That is fine news to hear in deed. I hope the gods smile on you with good fortune. Life mining is definitely a rough one."

Re: Harvest Festival: Final Preperations

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2018 10:52 pm
by DeepSpacer
"Do the knights deal fairly with you? Are they trustworthy? I am not from around here. I know not of their mercantile practices." says Gage.

Re: Harvest Festival: Final Preperations

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2018 12:13 am
by swrider
"Mining life is defiantly hard. The knights have a reputation for being fair. They are one of the few groups that have the resources to make our dreams a reality. They always take a portion of the profits, but the service they render is impeccable and necessary. Allowing them to manage our wealth will keep it safe until we are able to use it."

Re: Harvest Festival: Final Preperations

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2018 3:16 am
by ThreeBFour
"So these bags you have been hauling are what? Gold, silver, gems?" Oomaq asks from where he has been sitting listening to the conversation. "Obviously quite a load, mining must be rather lucrative and I'm in the wrong profession."

Re: Harvest Festival: Final Preperations

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2018 5:24 pm
by swrider
Minning is not normally lucrative. He minor pulls his shirt back slightly revealing Image

"We set out on our own lately and due to the skills of our leader were able to find a new deposit. We can talk more if you like once we have made our deposit and sold the mine."

Re: Harvest Festival: Final Preperations

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2018 2:01 pm
by ThreeBFour
Oomaq quickly eyes the piece, but is unable to come up with even close to an exact number. "Gentlemen, I wish you luck in there. I'm a member of the Jewelers Guild and probably should have ask you about your haul earlier, but my guess is you guys are about to become very wealthy."

Re: Harvest Festival: Final Preperations

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2018 5:18 pm
by swrider
The response is greeted by smiles. Shor-tay interrupts the conversation to point out a fortified fort not to far from the door to inner portions of the city. "That is the entrance to the nights. We will be there momentarily."

Re: Harvest Festival: Final Preperations

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2018 2:44 pm
by swrider
The conversation continues as the groups make their way to the temple. A few knights in training meet the group at the door and guide the humans to the side. A full knight recognizes Shor-tay and pulls the group inside. You are lead to a large room with ornate windows and numerous benches set up in a circle. A knight in long golden rooms is talking to a few others. His conversation halts as he see Shor-tay and he turns to greet the group. Sir Shor-tay, what brings the representative of our most valued customer here today? Please introduce me to your knew fellows." A brief series of introductions are made with Shor-Tay introducing the knight as the Master of the Temple a high paladin of Waukeen, by the name of Sir Codicia. After the introductions Shor-Tay produces a scroll and instructs that a large quantity of gold 40,000gp be provided to the group. Sir Codicia, nods at one of the other knights who disappears from the room."This may take a few minutes to count out. Did you bring a wagon to help transport it? Also will you be needing any security?" The knight enquirers. Shor-tay confirms the wagon and declines security. As the halfling kight is still responding a loud ruckus can be heard originating from the courtyard. The Master of the Temple takes a peak outside and within moments another knight bursts into the room. "I apologize for the interruption, but Waukeen has sent us a bad Omen? A caravan of humans have unearthed a new mine and brought in a wagon load of fools gold! The color seems to drain form Sir Codicia's skins as he quickly excuses himself leaving the group mostly alone for a few minutes.

Re: Harvest Festival: Final Preperations

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2018 2:50 pm
by swrider
Shor-Tay turns to the group. Waukeen is a very active deity, often sending omens about upcoming deals. A single piece of fools gold being found is considered to be the worst symbol of bad luck to her followers! I've never heard of a wagon load being found before. It is probably just coincidence, but I doubt the knights will thank so.

Re: Harvest Festival: Final Preperations

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2018 2:55 pm
by kanila
"If that is their feelings on the subject that does not bode well for us. After all we arrived to the Capital with them." Meddaar says with a look of worry clearly showing on his face.

Re: Harvest Festival: Final Preperations

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2018 7:24 pm
by swrider
"Perhaps, we did not know it was fools gold. I don't thing our traveling companions did either, by the way they were acting. It is hard to guess how the Knights will react." Shor-Tay responds.

Re: Harvest Festival: Final Preperations

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2018 3:04 am
by ThreeBFour
"Honestly from the glance I got at it I could have sworn it was the real thing. I feel terrible about what I told that gentleman miner."

Re: Harvest Festival: Final Preperations

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2018 10:19 pm
by swrider
"They did exactly allow for a close inspection." Shor-tay says just before the door to the room opens and a squire comes in. "My apologizes, the master of the temple is quite tied up at the moment. Waukeen has sent us a dire omen. As such the Master has suspend all transactions until the matter can be investigated."The squire hands Shor-tay back a scroll. "We are unable to withdraw your requested funds at this time." This chain of reactions seems to upset shor-tay greatly as he tries to explain the extreme time crunch the group is under.

I am not focusing on Shor-tay's respond becuase I don't want this to be an NPC to NPC dialog. The players will decide how to handle this and what actions to take.

Re: Harvest Festival: Final Preperations

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2018 1:17 pm
by kanila
Rurik steps forward towards the squire. "This won't do! We must hurry with that payment back to finish the task we were given. Without this the founding of the new city will surely crumble."

Re: Harvest Festival: Final Preperations

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2018 2:11 pm
by Boutrose Saba-Norr
Thew'Ruk steps forward in order to speak to the squire, "The messages of the gods are important, and shouldn't be overlooked, of course, It was a message from my own god that saw me leave the life of a farmer in order to defend my people, but surely you understand the urgency of our need? We are here to purchase what we need for the opening of our own cities temple and to promote the prosperity of our city. Certainly, the god of commerce, would not be ill-served by increasing the commercial value of a city as well as creating a new key trade route?"

Re: Harvest Festival: Final Preperations

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2018 11:25 pm
by DeepSpacer
"Young squire, our business here is one that precedes this foul omen. The agreement is already agreed to. Allow us in to plead our case!"

Total: 19 (Advantage)
Bonus: 5
Character: Gage
Campaign: Dark Patron
Description: Persuasion

Re: Harvest Festival: Final Preperations

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2018 12:01 am
by DeepSpacer
“40,000 in gold and you declined security? ??” Gage asks Shor-tay. “Whatever for??? Travelers with 100x’s less have been robbed and killed for a few coins. What do you think will happen to us?”