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Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2018 5:20 am
by Boutrose Saba-Norr
Background Feature: Rustic Hospitality

Since you come from the ranks of the common folk, you fit in among them with ease. You can find a place to hide, rest, or recuperate among other commoners unless you have shown yourself to be a danger to them. They will shield you from the law or anyone else searching for you, though they will not risk their lives for you.

Personality Traits:
I judge people by their actions, not their words.

I’m confident in my own abilities and do what I can to instill confidence in others.

Thew’Ruk came from Ahsel, the land of overflowing honey. It was a lush and prosperous territory, on the edge of both an arid desert and a prosperous sea, and surrounded by a mountain range of dormant volcanos whose past eruptions made the topsoil exceptionally fertile. With maritime trade providing access to wealthy kingdoms across the sea, and caravan trade providing access to wealthy kingdoms across the desert, all combined with its own long growing season, it was for millennia a waypoint between many distant countries, and a nexus of trade where all the routes converged and wealth flowed freely for the rulers of the land.

Ahsel’s sheer potential for wealth was always something that made it a desirable target for invading Empires who sought that wealth for themselves, and for as long as people had lived there and cultivated the land it had been traded back and forth from one distant ruler or another, but these rulers were always distant faceless individuals who never interfered with the locals. They were foreign but they were not tyrants, and they realized that the best way to keep the territory profitable was to let the locals alone to carry on their business the same as they always had.

For their part, the people of Ahsel were not much bothered by this, having little concern for the designs of empires who sought only to control the land and never seeking to replace the people or subvert their culture, and as a result, they remained unaffected. With a population composed mostly of farmers and artisans who worked the land and what it produced to create life and art, they were not warlike and having had constant exposure to different peoples through both trade and foreign rule, they were no strangers to peoples of different cultures, and were always welcoming of them. This hospitality went to such a point that they even freely accepted refugees from lands less fortunate than their own, accepting them into their fold and helping them to become one with their own community.

Threw'Ruk's grandfather Druh’Maesh was such a refugee, having come to that land as a boy after his Orc band escaped a massacre in their home territory. They had been persecuted for having turned away from the worship and the teachings of Gruumsh. He came during a time of peace when the Empire at that time had been ruling for some time and had no one to oppose its rule. There the young Orc grew into a man, working the land as a farmer unlike any of his ancestors before him, and it was there that he met a young woman and began a family. He lived long enough to see his children grow into adults and to see Threw’Ruk grow into a young man, all the while the empire ruling over them became less stable. Soon a time came when the local magistrate was able to use instability to set themselves up as a tyrant dictator, but they lacked the foresight of the empires who came before them and began making unreadable demands upon the people, imposing restrictions upon them, and persecuting them intensely.

To the old dying Orc, it felt like the terror he had escaped in his old land had come to find him and his family in this new one, where he and his wife, and their children and grandchildren had worked the land, where they were the land, and where the land was them. Things came to a head when the Magistrate began seizing the farms and territories that families had been caring for for generations, and Druh’Maesh’s village was slated to be one of the first ones to be seized. Most of the villagers, including Threw’Ruk, were at a loss as to how they should react, they had never dealt with anything like this and only knew of it from the stories that some of the former refugees told them of their home countries. Ultimately deciding to avoid the conflict all together they voted collectively to leave the village before the Magistrates men arrived, but Druh’Maesh was not going to run away again, and taking from storage his families great sword he went to wait at the city gates for them to arrive. Threw’Ruk and several villagers attempted to force him to leave with them but he persisted and as the soldiers approached they all fled, with Threw’Ruk staying close by in hiding.

From his place of protection, he was able to see the soldiers approach, not even stopping for a moment, as they cut Druh’Maesh down with a single strike before advancing further. Fighting back an anguished howl Threw’Ruk fought back tears until the men were out of sight, and then ran to his grandfather's side, to find him barely clinging to life, with only enough life to look up at his grandson and say four words, “We are the land.”

Tears streaming down Threw’Ruk’s face, he picked up his grandfather’s greatsword and stood up, releasing the howl he had been holding in and without knowing what he was doing, he raged. He began what amounted almost to a slaughter of the poorly trained fighters trying to hold their own against a raging half-orc, and seeing his success the townspeople who were still within view joined him in his fight against them. When the fighting was over Threw’Ruk came to and realized what he had done, and knew that he would do it again, and again until the Magistrate was taken care of. He began a call to arms against the tyrant, and the people came flocking to him after they heard of his easy success against his soldiers. Soon it seemed like most of his people were rising up behind him in the fight against the tyrant magistrate, but then something happened. A figure, not connected to the Magistrate but still very much invested in his continued rule threatened Threw'Ruk, telling him that if he did not leave the territory then he would kill every person in it. The threat seemed genuine enough to him, although he could not understand why, and so meeting with some of his key lieutenants he found himself having to flee his home to protect it. Now he is a wandering folk hero, helping those that he can, and constantly searching for a means to overcome this mysterious figures threat and return to his homeland in order to end the tyrants rule once and for all.

Re: Thew'uk

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2018 3:07 pm
by swrider
Looks good. The personality section was cut off so if you could post the full text. all backgrounds have a feature, something like free room and board in exchange for services or can make survival skill to gather food for x number of people. Would you please post the one for Folk Hero.

All the mechanics look good though.

Re: Thew'uk

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2018 3:08 pm
by swrider
Oh did you roll for your starting gold? I think you get a bit more in addition to the 10gp IIRC.

Re: Thew'uk

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2018 3:29 pm
by Boutrose Saba-Norr
I’ll post the personality section and the feature when I’m at lunch, also had no idea that I needed to roll for gold in this setting, what die should I roll?

Re: Thew'uk

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2018 3:39 pm
by swrider
It would have been listed with your starting equipment options. Since you chose a standard pack you might not have any extra remaining.

Re: Thew'Ruk

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2018 8:10 pm
by swrider
I just noticed that your character is Chaotic Evil. I am not opposed to this but would you mind explaining briefly what this means for this character. (Most people don't understand what chaotic evil is and I want to know what it means to you).

Re: Thew'Ruk

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2018 9:42 pm
by Boutrose Saba-Norr
swrider wrote:
Thu Apr 19, 2018 8:10 pm
I just noticed that your character is Chaotic Evil. I am not opposed to this but would you mind explaining briefly what this means for this character. (Most people don't understand what chaotic evil is and I want to know what it means to you).
No this is an error he is supposed to be chaotic good my bad

Re: Thew'Ruk

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2018 9:45 pm
by swrider
That is easier to deal with. I am not too worried about alignment as it tends to develop with game play rather than just being selected, but it does give one pause for thought when you see either extreme.

Re: Thew'Ruk

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2018 3:22 am
by Boutrose Saba-Norr
@swrider posted the background feature and the cut off personality traits, the backstory is very rough draft right now but this is the direction i'm hoping to take it in. I wanted to give some detail to his grandfather since I do plan for him to go the ancestor totem warrior rout.

Re: Thew'Ruk

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2018 5:11 am
by swrider
Looking good let me know when it is finalized and I'll approve it.

Re: Thew'Ruk

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2018 3:16 pm
by swrider
I know you are finalizing things, but feel free to start posting in the Story Thread. I wont have any checks made until everyone is ready, but their can be some roll play untill them. Perhaps how you all know each other.

Re: Thew'Ruk

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2018 4:45 am
by Boutrose Saba-Norr
@swrider done

Re: Thew'Ruk

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2018 4:19 pm
by swrider