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Re: Arc V - OOC

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2023 2:07 am
by DeepSpacer
Hope everything goes well for you in your recovery!

Re: Arc V - OOC

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2023 7:59 am
by ShadoWarrior
DeepSpacer wrote:
Thu Apr 27, 2023 2:07 am
Hope everything goes well for you in your recovery!
Thank you. It's painfully slow, pun intended. It's both too slow and too painful. My whole life until this month I never broke any bones, so I've had no prior experience with just how uncomfortable this shit is.

Re: Arc V - OOC

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2023 7:05 pm
by DeepSpacer
Same here. Age 51 and no broken bones (yet!!). It'll come one day. Just a matter of time I just hate having aged out of impact athletics. Still the passion to play, but the body says no.

Re: Arc V - OOC

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2023 7:19 am
by ShadoWarrior
My injury is much more serious than I'd thought/hoped: I found out on Friday, after more x-rays, that my knee is going to require surgery. There's too much damage for it to properly heal on its own (the kneecap is out of position) so they're going to have to insert pins. Wonderful.

My VA doctor was also upset with me when he found out I'd been bending the knee and standing on that leg (using a walker). I'm now using a wheelchair and wearing an immobilization brace. I had to bite my tongue when he remonstrated with me. If he'd done his job 3 weeks ago and actually looked at the radiology reports forwarded from the ER he'd have known my knee was truly broken (not just sprained), and prescribed codeine (instead of useless ibuprofen) 3 damn weeks ago and started the ball rolling on scheduling the surgery way sooner. Even when I was in his office he still hadn't looked at the stuff the ER sent him weeks ago. Getting upset back at him due to his negligence wouldn't have been productive. Hence my keeping silent. With age has come some wisdom. Even as recently as 10 years ago I would have given him some choice pieces of my mind. And then regretted doing so. I was (and still am) so pissed off. He's not a bad doctor, to be honest. I actually like him. He, like most doctors at the VA, is terribly overloaded. And thus patient care suffers (and patients like me suffer needlessly).

Re: Arc V - OOC

Posted: Mon May 08, 2023 7:42 pm
by crazybirdman
no rush, but does anyone have a force power, or tech, that can quickly scan for life forms on this floor?

Re: Arc V - OOC

Posted: Wed May 10, 2023 2:25 am
by swrider
@ShadoWarrior that whole situation sucks. I'm sorry to hear about it. I hope things go well with the surgery.

Re: Arc V - OOC

Posted: Sat May 13, 2023 7:19 pm
by ShadoWarrior
crazybirdman wrote:
Mon May 08, 2023 7:42 pm
no rush, but does anyone have a force power, or tech, that can quickly scan for life forms on this floor?
Arca does, but the range is limited to short (and that's including his range upgrade that extends it from close). This is one of those situations where a tech-based scanner (such as the GP scanner pack) would work better ... if we had one.

Re: Arc V - OOC

Posted: Sat May 13, 2023 7:41 pm
by ShadoWarrior
swrider wrote:
Wed May 10, 2023 2:25 am
@ShadoWarrior that whole situation sucks. I'm sorry to hear about it. I hope things go well with the surgery.
Because of my negligent PCP, the ortho doctor informed me last Friday (May 5) that I missed the "window" for having surgery done. Too many weeks had passed (5 as of the time I met with her) and natural healing has already partially filled the gap that surgery would have closed. So I'm stuck with continuing to heal naturally (and, no, I don't know what the long-term consequences of not having the surgery will be). I have a followup appointment with her, and another series of x-rays, next Friday (May 19) to assess my progress.

Oh, and as a side note: when I told the ortho doc that my PCP had told me that I would need pins the look on her face was one of irritation/annoyance. It was obvious, without her coming out and saying so, that she was pissed at my PCP for his negligence and then on top of that his giving me bad information. I asked her about the surgery and she said that If I had had surgery I would NOT have had pins put in.

The silver lining, as I see it, is that since I'm not being operated on my recovery will be less painful. Not sure if it'll be any quicker. The point of surgery would have been to close the fracture gap between the bone pieces, so less material would have to fill the gap (and, I assume, the repair would be more solid/stable). I intend to ask the ortho doc next week about what I should expect moving forward.

With regards to my housing situation, my current stay in VA transient housing was scheduled to expire this Tuesday (May 16). Because of my injury the VA is, so far, extending my must-leave-by date by 30 days (to Jun 17). So I still have that hanging over my head. My stress level is pretty damn high. I can't afford even single rooms for rent on my Social Security income. The housing market, especially here in Florida, has blown up. People are demanding as much for a room as they used to ask for an entire apartment just 3 years ago. It's obscene, insane, and disgusting.

Re: Arc V - OOC

Posted: Sun May 14, 2023 12:13 am
by swrider
ShadoWarrior wrote:
Sat May 13, 2023 7:41 pm
swrider wrote:
Wed May 10, 2023 2:25 am
@ShadoWarrior that whole situation sucks. I'm sorry to hear about it. I hope things go well with the surgery.
Because of my negligent PCP, the ortho doctor informed me last Friday (May 5) that I missed the "window" for having surgery done. Too many weeks had passed (5 as of the time I met with her) and natural healing has already partially filled the gap that surgery would have closed. So I'm stuck with continuing to heal naturally (and, no, I don't know what the long-term consequences of not having the surgery will be). I have a followup appointment with her, and another series of x-rays, next Friday (May 19) to assess my progress.

Oh, and as a side note: when I told the ortho doc that my PCP had told me that I would need pins the look on her face was one of irritation/annoyance. It was obvious, without her coming out and saying so, that she was pissed at my PCP for his negligence and then on top of that his giving me bad information. I asked her about the surgery and she said that If I had had surgery I would NOT have had pins put in.

The silver lining, as I see it, is that since I'm not being operated on my recovery will be less painful. Not sure if it'll be any quicker. The point of surgery would have been to close the fracture gap between the bone pieces, so less material would have to fill the gap (and, I assume, the repair would be more solid/stable). I intend to ask the ortho doc next week about what I should expect moving forward.

With regards to my housing situation, my current stay in VA transient housing was scheduled to expire this Tuesday (May 16). Because of my injury the VA is, so far, extending my must-leave-by date by 30 days (to Jun 17). So I still have that hanging over my head. My stress level is pretty damn high. I can't afford even single rooms for rent on my Social Security income. The housing market, especially here in Florida, has blown up. People are demanding as much for a room as they used to ask for an entire apartment just 3 years ago. It's obscene, insane, and disgusting.
Wow. Sounds reminiscent if a few years ago. I'm sorry to hear your situation has deteriorated. Last I remember you had moved out of assisted housing and had a roommate. If I recall you were delivering pizzas. But, wow that may have been before covid. The world has really gotten crazy.

Re: Arc V - OOC

Posted: Sun May 14, 2023 1:07 am
by ShadoWarrior
I have never had roommates when not in VA transient housing. Not since my college days nearly a half-century ago.

After I moved to Cape Canaveral in Mar. '20 I was delivering pizzas for Papa John's. I lost that job mid-September of that year. I burned through my savings during the height of COVID and fell behind on my rent in early '21. Being in one of the worst fucking red states, which did not honor the CDC's eviction moratorium, I was soon to be fucked. I obtained another pizza delivery job, for Dominos, but two weeks before I started at that job the greedy people running my apartment complex filed eviction. They didn't care that I could catch up on my past-due rent, they wanted me gone so they could move someone else in at a considerably higher rent than what I'd been paying. 3 days after I moved out a new tenant was in my recently-vacated unit. Thus in mid-May of 2021 I ended up back in the VA homeless program I had been in before COVID. Where I've been for the past 2 years, except this time rents have climbed to the point where it's almost impossible for a single person lacking a fat northern-state pension to afford housing. I took early Social Security as soon as a I qualified for it in Nov. 2021 as the stress of driving at night in heavy traffic was really getting to me. If I was still delivering pizzas (and assuming I hadn't broken my knee) affording an apartment would be painful, but doable. But it's impossible on just my government check (which could, barely, cover a room-for-rent 2 years ago but not today, let alone apartments renting at twice the price they rented at 5 years ago).

There are other vets here that became homeless when their landlords raised their rent beyond their ability to pay. And the housing situation for low-income people grows worse day by day.

If I had "case management" needs (IOW, if I had addiction or mental issues) I'd qualify for HUD-VASH, which would pay 70% of an apartment's rent. But because I'm not messed-up enough, I'm screwed.

Re: Arc V - OOC

Posted: Mon May 15, 2023 12:47 am
by Doctor Who
Ah shit man, I'm so sorry.

Re: Arc V - OOC

Posted: Tue May 16, 2023 4:55 pm
by crazybirdman
ah man, that all stinks man

Re: Arc V - OOC

Posted: Tue May 23, 2023 3:36 am
by DeepSpacer

Re: Arc V - OOC

Posted: Tue May 23, 2023 3:39 am
by ShadoWarrior
Guys, there hasn't been any progress in the IC in over 3 weeks. I do hope it's not because you're all waiting on me!

Re: Arc V - OOC

Posted: Fri May 26, 2023 11:54 pm
by crazybirdman
just waiting to see if we'll need to sweep every floor

Re: Arc V - OOC

Posted: Tue May 30, 2023 3:37 pm
by DeepSpacer
@Doctor Who No sign of ANYONE??? Do we know this place was abandoned or occupied recently?

Can we check the computers for signs of activity?

Re: Arc V - OOC

Posted: Tue May 30, 2023 10:37 pm
by ShadoWarrior
DeepSpacer wrote:
Tue May 30, 2023 3:37 pm
Can we check the computers for signs of activity?
If we can, then I'll need a difficulty for Arca's check.

Re: Arc V - OOC

Posted: Wed May 31, 2023 10:17 pm
by Doctor Who
Yeah, difficulty would be hard with a setback.

Nearest room with a computer is just around down the leftmost hallway on your right.

Re: Arc V - OOC

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2023 1:01 am
by Doctor Who
I'll get a post up tomorrow, some stuff came up and I've been busy. Apologies

Re: Arc V - OOC

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2023 11:35 pm
by ShadoWarrior
I'm assuming that my fellow padawans were likely looking over my shoulder or at least close enough to see what he saw, so I'll skip posting IC a repeat of what the GM just told us.

Re: Arc V - OOC

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2023 2:44 pm
by Doctor Who
yeah that's fine to assume.

Re: Arc V - OOC

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2023 2:58 pm
by crazybirdman

Re: Arc V - OOC

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2023 11:25 pm
by crazybirdman
remind me what we are looking for again? Monsters? a cure? evidence?

Re: Arc V - OOC

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2023 10:56 pm
by Doctor Who
Shipments to and from Galidraan related to BioCorp were located here in system. This a rentable construction facility rented by BioCorp, the other placeis a construction facility orbiting another planet in this system.

You're here to see what you can find related to the whole BioCorp funding the attack on Jedi, since you all sent the other PCs (now NPCs) to go mass produce the cure you all created.

Re: Arc V - OOC

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2023 9:48 am
by ShadoWarrior
Thank you.