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Re: Arc III - The Few Who Dare

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2020 9:52 pm
by kanila
Taking a look at the terminal, Varc doesn’t feel that the level of security adds up to what it’s supposed to be protecting. ”Something isn’t right with the security on this terminal. It’s way beyond what they should need for what they say they are doing here.”

Re: Arc III - The Few Who Dare

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2021 4:36 pm
by kanila
”I guess while you are handling things I’m gonna look around.” Varc left the medical stuff to those who were more capable. Wandering out into the corridor, Varc made his way to a room that was marked as a locker room. Snooping around, he figured it was as good a place as any to look for a code cylinder.
Varc ; Skulduggery :
1 Success, 0 Advantage


Re: Arc III - The Few Who Dare

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2021 5:34 pm
by Doctor Who
The hallways are dimmly lit, just emergency lighting on.

Every once in a while, the lights flicker, giving the hallway an ominous feeling.


Heading towards the locker room, Varc finds the door is unlocked. Heading in, he fumbles for a light switch. It takes a couple of second to find it.


The room is sterile gray. Several of the lockers are ajar.

Varc spends the next hour and a half digging through clothing in the various lockers. The uniforms appear hastily discarded, as as if the staff was all rushed out in a hurry. Finally, Varc finds a code cylinder!

Re: Arc III - The Few Who Dare

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2021 12:42 am
by Doctor Who
Varc comes back with a code cylinder, and he taps it to the computer.

The screen opens.
Welcome Doctor Tynian



Projects Code Cylinder Present

Meanwhile, Arca is fairly confident he has isolated the components and successfully set the replication process in motion. Now he just needs to figure out how to help Zyla.

Re: Arc III - The Few Who Dare

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2021 3:55 am
by DeepSpacer
"Take a QUICK look at "Patients". We might want to know if someone of interest is here!"

"Diagnostics might help Arca help Zyla. And then, what is that project?"

Re: Arc III - The Few Who Dare

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2021 2:14 am
by Doctor Who
Opening patients, Trixie and Varc just see a long list of names, ages, and addresses. This doctor appears to have several dozen patients they oversaw.

Opening diagnostics, there is some info that makes it look like there are two patients in a room somewhere in the facility, other than you all. Projects has a single option:

Re: Arc III - The Few Who Dare

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2021 3:10 am
by DeepSpacer
"LEVIATHAN!!!!! Open it up!!"

Re: Arc III - The Few Who Dare

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2021 2:20 am
by Doctor Who
The folder opens. It's an unredacted version of the file you all had looked at earlier.
Author: Dr. Cornelius Tantamon

Date: Month: 7, Day: 23, Year:20801

Executive Summary: The recent advances in genetic engineering at BioCorp and RBC can lead to several new areas of research. The first is that the newfound understanding of alchemy means that new leviathan-class creatures can be grown, using the original genetic template. Second, smaller rakghoul-type mutates should be possible, shaping sentient beings into becoming small, triggerable one-man-armies that can be created with a simple injection. Third, and most importantly, the minds of smaller rakghoul-type mutates created based on genetic material from leviathans appear to have a quasi-psychic connection which may allow future avenues of research and opens up a way for our researchers to interact with the Force.

Table of Contents
  • Genetic Testing Results - 2
  • Failures and Observations - 50
  • Weapon potentials - 90
  • The Force - 96
  • Citations and Researchers - 100

With the redactions gone, you are all able to finally make out the full research. The project was designed to grow new Leviathans, the giant beasts that laid waste to entire worlds during the Hundred-Years Darkness, the second great Jedi Schism. But the research seems to make more claims about being able to create Leviathans, without any evidence to back it up. The research into smaller subjects indicates there were two left alive, stored in the BioCorp facility on Nespis VIII.

Vis a vis Zyla's problem, Trixie and Varc are able to direct Arca to information on the problem, although Arca will still need to talk to the source of the alchemy, the holocron, to make sense of a lot of it. The holocron is heavily cited in the report.

Finally, the group sees that RBC is the Republic Biocontaminants Commission, a branch of the Republic Survey Corps that studies biological contaminants on new worlds.

Re: Arc III - The Few Who Dare

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2021 3:40 am
by DeepSpacer
"WHOA!!! This is serious stuff!" says Trixie, feeling a little scared. "Two of these rakghoul-type mutates? HERE??? That thing loose on the lower levels and another somewhere. Or, maybe TWO loose down there. We can't safely leave those things alone, can we? I mean, we have to destroy them, right?"

Re: Arc III - The Few Who Dare

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2021 4:06 am
by Doctor Who
Trixie sees in the dossier that "rakghoul-type" mutants does not refer to actual rakghouls, but rather is a classification the RBC uses to classify human-sized alchemical mutants that can spread themselves to new hosts.

Re: Arc III - The Few Who Dare

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2021 10:48 pm
by ShadoWarrior
Arca perks up at "Third, and most importantly, the minds of smaller rakghoul-type mutates created based on genetic material from leviathans appear to have a quasi-psychic connection which may allow future avenues of research and opens up a way for our researchers to interact with the Force." He notes the references to the holocron and asks whomever is holding it to allow him to discuss Varc and Trixie's findings with the device.

Re: Arc III - The Few Who Dare

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2021 2:39 am
by DeepSpacer
Obviously in over her head with the scientific jargon, she defaults to Arca to do as he wishes.

Re: Arc III - The Few Who Dare

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2021 3:14 am
by Doctor Who
Arca gets the holocron and activates it.

"Oh, you're in the lab and it seems you found the file on my leviathan," Syn says with a slight pout. Arca points out that line to her. "Yes, the early tests found out that the infected were psychically connected, and my own research for them showed that this connection extended to the leviathan they were created from."

Arca can tell she's just basically saying what the dossier quotes her on. If he wants more, he thinks he's going to have to either bargain with her or find a way to impress her.
A daunting medicine check could be used to try to impress her, or you could RP Arca figuring out a way to bargain with her for the information

Re: Arc III - The Few Who Dare

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2021 4:50 am
by Doctor Who
Arca methodically rips into the holocron, going through dozens of medical violations that were done through its actions. The holocron seems in part to be rather stunned by Arca's ability to understand the research. His tone and seriousness also seems to get the holocron to lower its sarcasm and become more serious, clearly scared.

Very well, Arca. The culture of cells in Zyla will continue growing if not stopped. She will end up like the creatures held in the cells in this facility, basically a mindless monster that can devour souls. The goal with her was to create a tool to control the large leviathan, although that is obviously not going to happen. Treatment will take several days, possibly weeks."

Re: Arc III - The Few Who Dare

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2021 12:38 pm
by ShadoWarrior
Arca, being Arkanian, Jedi, and a brilliant genetics expert from a family (and planet) of genetics researchers, is one of perhaps a handful of beings in the galaxy capable of fully comprehending the entirety of the Sith holocron's research. It's not the goal of the research that's so worrisome as it is its effects on sentient beings and the potential for the uncontrolled spread of a plague the likes of which the galaxy has neither seen nor would be able to cope with. This has to end, right here and now.

"You will assist me in administering a proper cure", placing emphasis on curing rather than mere treatment, in no mood to play semantics games with the holocron, "for Zyla, starting immediately. You will not fail me, or it will be your last failure." The fact that his command sounds like something that a Sith would say is not lost on him.

Re: Arc III - The Few Who Dare

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2021 12:17 am
by Doctor Who
The holocron, clearing getting the message, starts to explain to Arca what is needed. Arca's medical understanding of the dossier gives him enough insite to understand that the holocron appears to be telling the truth about how to save Zyla. It will take several days, though, and appears to need the holocron to perform alchemy for long stretches of it, disentangling the alchemically mutated cells from Zyla's own.

The holocron demonstrates the process, and shows what it looks like on the mediscanners, to show that she at least appears to be sincere.

Re: Arc III - The Few Who Dare

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2021 12:21 am
by DeepSpacer
"We should, then, inform BioCorp that the area is not to be disturbed for the said amount of days. Right? Make sure that things are secure and the rest of us hunt for those creatures down below?"

Re: Arc III - The Few Who Dare

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2021 12:22 am
by kanila
”Beats sitting around doing nothing.”

Re: Arc III - The Few Who Dare

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2021 12:24 am
by Doctor Who
Waz pipes up, "BioCorp's been shutdown or something, right? I think it's basically just us and whatever might be listed in diagnostics in here right now. Probably should tell the city authorities though, since they gave us access."

Re: Arc III - The Few Who Dare

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2021 12:26 am
by kanila
”Tell them what exactly? Hey we were bored so we snooped in the computer and found out about some dangerous creatures and we are gonna hunt them so don’t come down here?”

Re: Arc III - The Few Who Dare

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2021 12:45 am
by DeepSpacer
kanila wrote:
Mon Jan 18, 2021 12:26 am
”Tell them what exactly? Hey we were bored so we snooped in the computer and found out about some dangerous creatures and we are gonna hunt them so don’t come down here?”
"I don't know about that, heck, they might even support us taking care of their "problem". I think they'd want it to go away as much as we do. As for the treatment, we ARE isolated and they DO KNOW that we are treating a very dangerous contaminant. I don't think it is a big stretch to request an undisturbed environment for a few days. What do you think, Arca?"

Re: Arc III - The Few Who Dare

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2021 12:54 am
by ShadoWarrior
Arca smiles at Varc, "Your sarcasm is very much on point. We should not inform anyone else. Call it paranoia if you wish, but I do not wish to be surprised by whomever was working in this area if they are keeping an eye on what we are doing, which we should expect. This area may be empty now, but it wasn't not long ago and those that escaped from us might guess that we would come here and contact their associates. I am rather surprised that we have not encountered resistance here. That in itself is suspicious to me."

Re: Arc III - The Few Who Dare

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2021 12:58 am
by Doctor Who
Waz responds to Varc, "I didn't mean tell the city about those things, but rather tell them about us being here for a while."

Re: Arc III - The Few Who Dare

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2021 1:01 am
by ShadoWarrior
Arca asks Waz, "Why? It is perhaps best if we do not remind them that we are here in case they decide to object. We already have their permission, no sense in giving them a reason to revoke it. If we overstay our welcome that is a problem best dealt with later. Let's not ask for trouble now."

Re: Arc III - The Few Who Dare

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2021 1:10 am
by Doctor Who
Waz nods. "True, if you want to keep things quiet, I'm fine with that. Maybe we want to search around down here? I can keep the holocron in check." He shoots a bit of a glance at the holocron that Arca might raise an eyebrow at, but none of the others notice."I'm sure Jarkyc here can keep me company, and Lyriss obviously. ST-3R could go with you all?" Waz looks at ST-3R, who seems hesitant to leave anyone but himself with the holocron.
Triggering Waz's Alienation (i think this is alienation), he feels like this is a link to figure out about his past but he doesn't want to let the holocron slip through his fingers