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Re: Initial play style vote

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2018 6:11 pm
by Boutrose Saba-Norr
I'm working on the concept for my miralain character right now, its very interesting and i'm trying to figure something out for thier facial tattoos, will likely have something up by this weekend

Re: Initial play style vote

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2018 2:38 am
by kanila
I have made my decision regarding Duty.

Players will use Obligation during creation. On the Who's Turn it's it page I will track reputation.

Reputation will work like Duty in the sense that you can increase it to 'level up' inorder to earn more rewards from your sponsor. Where it differs is that it will not be tracked per individual but rather for the team as a whole.

So for example 10 points will be earned per race that the team participates in. If the team wins more points will be added. If the team does some sort of sponsoring they could potentially earn more points.

Now on the flip side the team could lose points.... Caught cheating, starting a bar brawl.... Just to name a few.

As long as everyone is cool with this house rule Thats how we will play it.

Re: Initial play style vote

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2018 3:21 am
by Boutrose Saba-Norr
Love this

Re: Initial play style vote

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2018 3:24 am
by SavageBob
Sounds good. Let's give it a go.

Re: Initial play style vote

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2018 1:44 pm
by kanila
So the ship is the KST-100, what is the ships name? I'll create the ship's page once that has been determined.

Re: Initial play style vote

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2018 1:56 pm
by SavageBob
Is the ship the sole property of Boutrose's character, the pilot? In that case, most (if not all) of the pilot character's Obligation should go toward the person who financed the ship probably. And I'd say Boutrose should get the honors of naming the ship.

Alternatively, are we all equally indebted for the ship? I suppose it'd be more democratic to have us all be co-owners. If we go this route, maybe we should each devote at least 5 points of Obligation to a single loan shark, banking clan, or other entity who loaned us the credits for the ship. This would have to be someone who wouldn't count as a sponsor but whom we're having to pay back to get them off our backs.

Buido's designed to be easy either way. If it's Boutrose's character's ship exclusively, Buido was brought on as a navigator with no ownership stake in the ship itself. But presumably, the PCs have an agreement about splitting their winnings evenly. If we're all co-owners, maybe Buido and Boutrose's characters were odd-jobbers together for a while on other crews, but Boutrose's character convinced Buido (and our other PCs) to go in on the purchase of the KST-100, making us equally indebted to the same loanshark or bank.

Sorry for the stream of consciousness. I'd like to hear Boutrose's thoughts before we make a decision, since I don't want to infringe on his character-generation process if he had some ideas already cooked up for his pilot PC.

Re: Initial play style vote

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2018 2:00 pm
by kanila
I agree completely. Which ever way you all roll I'm fine with.

Re: Initial play style vote

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2018 2:42 pm
by ThreeBFour
I'm good with co-ownership of the ship and the joint obligation should make for interesting challenges because of it. It gives the characters equal reason to make sure they stick together as a crew.

As a quick question @Kanila, are we going with standard creation rules of no more than 2 in any one skill or can we go with 3 as allowed in OggDude's?

Re: Initial play style vote

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2018 2:46 pm
by kanila
Use Oggy's app. I'll allow what Oggy allows, including the species.

Re: Initial play style vote

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2018 2:57 pm
by ThreeBFour
Works for me, thanks.

Re: Initial play style vote

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2018 3:02 pm
by kanila
Remember you can always split obligation. Maybe 5 of it's for the ship and the rest is towards something else.

Our pilot will more than likely have more than the others, but that doesn't necessarily have to be the case.

Re: Initial play style vote

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2018 3:36 pm
by Boutrose Saba-Norr
Bobs point about obligation brings up a lot of options, I enjoy the idea of us all knowing each other from a previous racing team, and with how skill acquisition miralan’s are it would. Ale sense for my character to want to become a lead pilot rather than a co-pilot.

If we all went in on this together, after my character talked all of yours into leaving your junior positions on another famous racing team so we could start our own legend it could be a lot of fun and explain why we are starting at the bottom of the reputation lists despite being already semi experienced.

The main thing for me now is if I want this to be move made by my miralan out of respect for the old teams skills and recognizing that we could not prove our abikities while in the other teams shadow, or simply because of impatience.

If I were playing a trist valentine character then the latter would be more appropriate but I got to figure out if I want to do that or not.

Bob 3b4 do you guys have any suggestions on why your characters would trust mine enough to agree to start this new venture with me, alternatively do you think your characters arc would be better served by being the one who convinced the rest of us to start our own team?

Re: Initial play style vote

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2018 3:38 pm
by Boutrose Saba-Norr
Also kanilla you said that the pilot would likely start with more obligation than the rest of the party, how much am I allowed to start with, there is an event from my characters past I want to put 5 points towards but I also want to have enough for the ship.

Re: Initial play style vote

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2018 3:41 pm
by kanila
What I was referring to was out of your 20 obligation most of that would go towards the ship. So you could do a 15-5 split if you wanted.

Re: Initial play style vote

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2018 3:58 pm
by Boutrose Saba-Norr
Cool cool,

So a bit of character background on my guy, Mirialan wear all of thier greatest accomplishments and failures on thier faces. My thinking is that my character at some point in his career did something terrible that is now obviously visible to any other Mirialan he meets and his efforts as part of the racing team is to do something incredible enough that his past mistake is not the only thing people have to judge him on. If he left the previous team out of impatience then it would really show that he hasn’t learned his lesson yet and will just keep adding to his shame and negative tattoos, but if he left the other team because he respected thier ability and knew he would never be able to step out of their shadow from within it then it speaks a bit better of him and his path for redemption.

So for that reason I’d propose redemption as the potential name of a ship.

Re: Initial play style vote

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2018 4:19 pm
by SavageBob
Is it important to your concept that we were part of a previous racing team, Boutrose? I can go with that idea, but I actually think it might be more compelling if we're all completely green in the racing world (no offense, Mirialan). Like, we were doing something completely boring and mundane when one of us got a lead on a discounted KSR-100 and talked the others into buying it to start a racing team from scratch. Maybe the person is an avid racing fan, or has racers in his or her family, or grew up on a world with an active racing circuit. My point is that we don't necessarily need to have had any previous exposure to racing. It works to do it that way, but it gives us a more Cool Runnings vibe if we start out as n00bs who have to learn the ropes the hard way.

Another thought: If you want your Mirialan character to have a racing background, maybe you used to be a racer (or worked for one), but your disgrace meant you got kicked off the team and make ends meet in a job you hated. That's where you met at least my character, possibly the others, too. You've always wanted to get back into racing, but your disgrace means no one will take you on, so you know it's start out fresh with a new team or nothing. That preserves the Cool Runnings, rags-to-riches (we hope) scenario, while letting your character be the one who knows the rigmarole, rules, etc., and convinces us to jump into this hare-brained venture with you.

I kind of like the idea that we were all working as back-up pilots for Star Tours or a luxury liner or something. From space-bellhops to racing stars! :D

Re: Initial play style vote

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2018 4:47 pm
by ThreeBFour
I'm working up a Jawa Modder as my character, exiled from his clan (haven't figure why yet). It would be fairly easy to have him start as a stowaway in whichever way we start. I was thinking of having him originally stowaway with a larger racing team leaving Tatooine. They had a larger support ship and he started tinkering and fixing things on board secretly, all the while listening to the ship's engineer complain about the weird smell. This would work out just as well with Bob's idea of the luxury liner.

He could be discovered about the same time as Boutrose's Mirialan's disgrace and both were booted at the same time, but the Mirialan knows it was the Jawa making the repairs that the engineer was taking credit for.

What do you guys think?

Re: Initial play style vote

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2018 4:52 pm
by kanila
With Jawas simply wanting to travel away from their family could be cause for exile. Maybe the tinkering the Jawa was doing ruined family business one too many times. Or could be even more simple and not include exile but being too curious and being an accidental stowaway.

Re: Initial play style vote

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2018 5:03 pm
by Boutrose Saba-Norr
SavageBob wrote:
Sat Mar 24, 2018 4:19 pm
Is it important to your concept that we were part of a previous racing team, Boutrose? I can go with that idea, but I actually think it might be more compelling if we're all completely green in the racing world (no offense, Mirialan). Like, we were doing something completely boring and mundane when one of us got a lead on a discounted KSR-100 and talked the others into buying it to start a racing team from scratch. Maybe the person is an avid racing fan, or has racers in his or her family, or grew up on a world with an active racing circuit. My point is that we don't necessarily need to have had any previous exposure to racing. It works to do it that way, but it gives us a more Cool Runnings vibe if we start out as n00bs who have to learn the ropes the hard way.

Another thought: If you want your Mirialan character to have a racing background, maybe you used to be a racer (or worked for one), but your disgrace meant you got kicked off the team and make ends meet in a job you hated. That's where you met at least my character, possibly the others, too. You've always wanted to get back into racing, but your disgrace means no one will take you on, so you know it's start out fresh with a new team or nothing. That preserves the Cool Runnings, rags-to-riches (we hope) scenario, while letting your character be the one who knows the rigmarole, rules, etc., and convinces us to jump into this hare-brained venture with you.

I kind of like the idea that we were all working as back-up pilots for Star Tours or a luxury liner or something. From space-bellhops to racing stars! :D
Hey bob, there’s no need for my character to have prior racing experience at all, it is as a suggestion based on what you said before, but I am liking the way you’re taking this, his disgrace will definitely have to have something to do with flying since he is going to be the pilot but there are numerous ways that that could be pulled off.

@3b4 I’m loving the idea of my miralan character knowing you were the one making the repairs, since one of the main things their culture centers on is ability and achievement he would inidiately have a strong respect for you for that.

Re: Initial play style vote

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2018 5:15 pm
by Boutrose Saba-Norr
Ultimately the only thing that matters about the past failure is that it is bad enough to make him want to leave spaces where he would normally encounter another miralan, i never intended for it to be in racing but had the idea that he was entering racing in order to try and make up for it.

The adjustment of us having no prior racing experience means that his emotional timeline simply shifts from having already been trying to make up for his actions to possibly just getting out of the period of sulking about being an outcast and now he’s actually trying to do something about it, which is definitely ripe for harasser development which I love.

The question for me then is why is buimo on the cruise liner? We already have 3b4 as a stowaway mechanic, my character is likely there to try to forget his existence and be obscure due to his failure, but what brings your character to the bowls of the space liner bob?

Re: Initial play style vote

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2018 5:24 pm
by SavageBob
Buimo is a drifter, taking a slew of odd jobs ever since his exile from his homeworld. He could easily just be part of the operational crew of the cruise liner (or garbage scow or whatever). There are questions marks about his past (like why does he have the logo for the Star's End Prison on his jumpsuit), but he doesn't have a criminal record per se. Maybe he was just part of the navigational team for the ship.

And I didn't want to talk you out of having your character be our racer-insider. I like the idea that maybe he has some connection to racing, whether from a family member, from previous work experience, from growing up near a course, or just from being a fan. One of us being the driving force behind the whole scheme makes a lot of sense, provided it gels with your character concept.

Re: Initial play style vote

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2018 5:33 pm
by ThreeBFour
kanila wrote:
Sat Mar 24, 2018 4:52 pm
With Jawas simply wanting to travel away from their family could be cause for exile. Maybe the tinkering the Jawa was doing ruined family business one too many times. Or could be even more simple and not include exile but being too curious and being an accidental stowaway.
My other thoughts with the Jawa were only survivor of a Raider attack on his Clan's sandcrawler or just for the fun of it the only survivor of a Stormtrooper attack on his Clan's sandcrawler after selling a couple of droids to that nice family near the Tosche Station.

Re: Initial play style vote

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2018 5:33 pm
by SavageBob
Maybe our Jawa friend is the catalyst for all this. The Jawa gets discovered by the ship's security team and locked up until the ship can make port and get rid of him/her. Meanwhile, the Mirialan's learned about an offer on a discounted KSR-100 from a shady passenger. It's act now or never. He and the Iakaru get drunk after hours, and Boutrose's character says, hey! We should rescue that Jawa, buy the KSR, and tell Captain Whoever we quit. We're a racing team! We wake up hungover, with our new Jawa pal, who tells us he/she sprung for the rest of the cash to buy the ship. We're stranded at some random port of call and co-owners of a ship that at least two of us don't remember buying. :)

Re: Initial play style vote

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2018 5:40 pm
by ThreeBFour
I like it

Re: Initial play style vote

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2018 5:43 pm
by kanila
That would definitely make for an interesting backstory!