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Re: Episode I: Racing Debut

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2018 11:22 am
by SavageBob
"Yeah, that's what I meant! Try and gulate all the dada." The Iakaru fires up the ship's computer. "Let's see if we can't find a list of upcoming races first."
Buimo of course means "triangulate" and "data." He's prone to malapropisms, but Autocorrect probably makes it look like these aren't intentional on my part! :)

Re: Episode I: Racing Debut

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2018 3:24 am
by ThreeBFour
"Me likes the swoops idea." Runt jumps up and down a little. "We take good care of them and make big moneys." Runt looks at Vo's latest empty glass, a growing concern for his friend's need to drink is new to him, but he thinks he might have an idea.

Re: Episode I: Racing Debut

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2018 6:47 pm
by Spiritbw
”Sounds like a plan. I’ll see about getting in touch with Mal and see what we can set up for meeting.” Tarko’talik adds from his chair.

Re: Episode I: Racing Debut

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2018 6:48 pm
by Spiritbw
Tarko gets out his comlink and opens up Mal’s channel.

“Hey Mal. Tarko’talik here. We were just looking over the racing schedules and wondered if you had any shipments you needed dropped of in those directions.”

Re: Episode I: Racing Debut

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2018 7:22 pm
by kanila
”Sorry Tarko, I don’t have any merchandise here. If we were back on Dralt I might have something for you to ship. But I don’t have any orders right now.”

Re: Episode I: Racing Debut

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2018 8:39 pm
by SavageBob
"Hey, Mal! This is Buimo," the Iakaru says over the open channel. "You got anything ready to go on Dralt? We could always do a side trip."

Re: Episode I: Racing Debut

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2018 8:46 pm
by kanila
”Won’t know till I get home. Currently my assistant is handling all the local business.”

Re: Episode I: Racing Debut

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 10:24 pm
by Spiritbw
Tarko sighs,”Thanks Mal. We’ll look you up when we’re next in system then. Feel free to give us a call if you need a shipment moved, we’ll see what we can do.”

He waits for Mal to sign off before shutting down on his end and turns to the rest of the crew.

“Well, looks like we need to pound the deck plates and see if we can find some work. Maybe see if we can find some other races too. I think after the last performance you guys had we could do with a bit more challenging, and profitable, race than we’d find out here.”

Re: Episode I: Racing Debut

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2018 4:05 am
by kanila
As the group is discussing what to do next a small squeaky voice can be heard coming from the boarding ramp. ”Excuse me. Is anybody here?”

Re: Episode I: Racing Debut

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2018 1:34 am
by Boutrose Saba-Norr
Vo looks out at the boarding ramp of the ship to try and see who is there, "We're here, might as well come up," he calls out.

Re: Episode I: Racing Debut

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2018 1:54 am
by kanila
Coming up the ramp you see a Chadra-fan in grease covered coveralls. As he approaches he appears to be wringing an equally grease covered hat. ”My name is Tatti Nakno, and I was wondering if I could get a ride with you guys to Eriadu. I’m an inventor of sorts, and no one here is interested in testing out my most recent invention. Hopefully if I can get to another racing site someone might be interested.” He only glances at each person before staring back at the ship deck. Clearly having been turned down by other groups heading that direction. Almost as an after thought he adds with a pitiful look on his face. ”You wouldn’t possibly be interested in a ship upgrade would you?”

Re: Episode I: Racing Debut

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2018 2:16 am
by SavageBob
Buimo looks at the little Chadra-Fan, confused. "Well, we're not really a passenger service, but we were thinking about heading to Eriadu anyway. Maybe. I think. What's this about an upgrade?"

Re: Episode I: Racing Debut

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2018 2:57 am
by kanila
You catch a new look of excitement come across Tatti’s face as he excitedly starts to explain the upgrade. ”It’s the same principle as the maneuvering thrusters you can get for airspeeders just on a bigger scale! It’s still in the early stages though. I only really have the prototype built. But without reliable test data no one has been willing to try it out yet.” His excitement quickly turns to disappointment with his last sentence. His eyes shift back to the ship’s deck and he continues to wring his hat. ”I’m short on funds after building the prototype and that’s why I’ve been asking the racers if they were heading to Eriadu. I can help out around the ship if it’ll get me passage. I just really need to find a race team willing to test out the upgrade, and I can’t way out here.”

Re: Episode I: Racing Debut

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2018 5:58 am
by Spiritbw
Tarko’talik perks up hearing about the new equipment. This smells like a business opportunity to him.

”So let me see if I am understanding things correctly Mr. Nakno. You’re looking for passage to the next race because you’re looking for someone to test this new prototype. However you’re short on credits having built the prototype. You’re looking to work your way there though.”

He strokes his chin in thought as he considers things,”What are your plans for after you manage to get the prototype tested?”

Re: Episode I: Racing Debut

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2018 4:12 pm
by kanila
”Well once I can validate that the design works I planned on hunting down a corporate backer so that I could start producing them for sale.”

Re: Episode I: Racing Debut

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2018 12:43 am
by Spiritbw
Tarko nods, having figured that was the case.

”Well, if a team were willing to test this prototype for you, would you consider giving some backing to them if they then helped promote your new design as well?”

Re: Episode I: Racing Debut

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2018 2:21 am
by ThreeBFour
"Me thinking this good idea. Maybe me can help Tatti with his prototype. We add to ship and make it go woosh. Runt makes hand gestures like the the ship making extremely tight turns as he vibrates with excitement like an off-balanced pod racer engine. "What my friends think? Can we keep him?"

Re: Episode I: Racing Debut

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2018 11:56 pm
by kanila
Tatti puts his hat on his head finally and starts getting excited again. ”You guys would be willing to test my prototype?! I can’t really provide any backing, as I said earlier my credits are all tied up in the prototype. I’ll provide the prototype for free. I’ll even let you keep it after the initial test flight is over!”

Re: Episode I: Racing Debut

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2018 1:49 am
by SavageBob
"Sounds like a good deal to me!" Buimo beams. "We've got room."
I forget if we're using the luxury berths, or if we're all in the crew cabin.

Re: Episode I: Racing Debut

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2018 4:13 pm
by Spiritbw
”Wasn’t thinking of having backing right now Mr.Nakno. Just that we got a good word put in with whoever you get to produce the parts afterwards. If we wind up keeping the prototype afterwards it might be worth their while to have us advertising.[/b

Re: Episode I: Racing Debut

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2018 4:30 pm
by Boutrose Saba-Norr
Vo takes a drink from his bottle, "If these work like the maneuvering thrusters on smaller vehicles then this can give us an incredible leg up on other competitors of our same size. If it works out well then maybe we could even talk to Aziz about helping you put these on the market."

Re: Episode I: Racing Debut

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2018 7:07 pm
by SavageBob
"Uh, this prototype will be legal to use while racing, right?" Buimo asks everyone and no one in particular.

Re: Episode I: Racing Debut

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2018 7:23 pm
by kanila
”Uh.... it hasn’t been patented yet if that’s what you mean.”

Re: Episode I: Racing Debut

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2018 7:41 pm
by Spiritbw
”Guess we better ask before we install it. There should be some offials about still. We can double check with them. Shouldn’t take more than a minute and you’d best come with me Mr. Nakno, in case they have any questions about the mod. You know it best after all.”

Re: Episode I: Racing Debut

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2018 7:59 pm
by SavageBob
"Good thinking. I knew I liked you, Tark. Let's go!"